Category: Selling

Unpacking the Auction vs. Private Sale debate

Deciding whether to opt for an auction or private sale when selling your home involves considering various factors. Your agent, being the expert, can guide you, but it’s beneficial to grasp the intricacies and reasons behind each option. Auction Advantages Selling through auction instigates a sense of urgency and competition among buyers, potentially elevating the

Your ideal agent goes beyond commission rate

When considering the sale of your home, it’s tempting to prioritise the agent’s commission in the decision-making process. However, selecting an agent should be about more than just the cost—it’s about finding someone who truly understands the intricacies of selling a property and the current market in order to deliver the best result. Let’s delve

Key considerations to avoid property sale hiccups

When embarking on the journey of selling your home, the expectation is often a smooth process—welcoming potential buyers, engaging in negotiations or auctions, and eventually reaching a settlement, enabling you to transition to your next property seamlessly. However, the process of buying and selling properties don’t always unfold according to plan.

Selling Success: Attract Buyers with a Luxury Touch

Selling your home can be a significant event in your life, and naturally, you want to get the best price possible. One way to boost your home’s appeal and attract potential buyers is by giving it a luxurious and upscale ambience. A luxurious atmosphere can make a strong impression on buyers and the perceived value

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

Selling a home is a significant financial transaction that requires careful decision-making and planning. To ensure a successful and smooth selling process, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can impact your experience and outcome. In this article, we will discuss six critical mistakes to avoid when selling your home, providing insights that will help